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5 Ways to Help Make Your Retirement Years Outstanding

You’ve worked hard throughout your career and may even consider your career outstanding, but what about retirement? Many retirees want to continue to leave a lasting impression, reach new heights, and even make their retirement years a hallmark of their lives. They’re called your “golden years” for a reason!

Here are five ways you can take your retirement from average to outstanding.

Stay Active

With an increasing amount of news on maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, this should be a focus for your retirement life. According to a recent study, over 80% of baby boomers view staying in “good health” as one of the most important factors to a happy and successful retirement.

While you may think exercise is a young man’s game, it’s, in fact, something achievable for anyone, regardless of age. Of course, your routine may look a bit different now than in your 30s, but you can still work toward maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will help your body keep up with your ambition.

Find A New Passion

It’s true that some retirees are ready to relax, travel, spend time with friends — do anything but do something resembling work — but for some retirees, it may be time to scratch that entrepreneurial itch you weren’t able to in your working years. Some retirees call this “working with a purpose,” as opposed to the daily grind several retirees dealt with because their company may have offered a great sponsored retirement plan or other benefits.

Perhaps it’s time you opened that business, sold your creative services, or something else you never thought possible in your working years. Sit down, write out your desires, and create a plan to get started!

Volunteer Your Time

Maybe you don’t want to start a business but would like to give your time to help others — find a cause you care about and volunteer! Now that you’re “time affluent,” you have an extra 40 hours, or more, in your week to give back and to make a difference in the lives of others!

A simple Google search can put you in touch with the organizations and causes that are near and dear to you and your beliefs.

Check Things Off Your Bucket List

When you were younger, did you want to go skydiving? Bungee jumping? Travel to see the Eifel Tower?

We all have those things we wanted to do in our younger years but either didn’t have the money or time — now is the time to start checking off your bucket list! Take a walk down memory lane and rediscover the things you dreamed of doing and draft a plan of how, and when, to do them. It may take some time, but you’ll create memories that can be some of the highlights of your golden years.

Make A Plan For Retirement Income

Of course, to do anything — be it starting that business, traveling, or finding a personal trainer to begin your fitness journey — you’ll need the funds in place to do so while paying for your expenses.

Planning your retirement income may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! Finding an experienced financial professional with access to the products and services you need can be easier than you think and can set you up for a more successful and outstanding retirement. Start by searching for an American Retirement Institute course in your area today!


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