As we transition from a full-on pandemic to watching events, businesses, and cities slowly reopen, the question has to be asked once more — when will things “go back to normal?” With summer quickly approaching, a more specific question to ask is if this will be a “normal” summer? Of course, this will vary by location and with your personal comfort level and health, but here are a few ways you can start working your way back to regular activities this summer.
Being in the great outdoors and summer kind of go hand-in-hand, but it bears repeating that it’s much easier to keep your distance from folks outside, compared to in a building. Chances are high that you’ll be spending plenty of time with family and friends in this kind of venue, whether it’s a family cookout, hiking trip, or even sitting poolside fixing all the world’s problems through (hopefully) friendly debate. Getting some extra time outside this summer is a great way to get back with those you care about while enjoying summer weather in your area.
Have you missed the movies as much as most of the world? Several states still have the option of visiting drive-in movie theatres! Enjoy the latest summer blockbusters from the safety of your own vehicle. It’ll be a unique experience while enjoying an all-American pastime so many of us have missed in the last year.
You may have to get creative while the world begins to reopen, but don’t put off summer fun! Take the time to see your loved ones and create some memories to be reminisced of in the years to come.
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