Retirement education can be your greatest tool for retirement success. Books are a great place to gain valuable information that can help you along your financial journey. You can find books written by people who’ve gone through similar circumstances, and you can learn from their experiences. If you’d like to find the right retirement read for you, consider the following categories:
Retirement Planning
When deciding on where to begin with your retirement reading list, retirement planning books are a great place to start. It would be most beneficial to start reading these books before you reach retirement to gain tips on how to financially prepare, but it’s never too late! Books like How to Make Your Money Last by Jane Bryant Quinnand The 5 Years Before You Retire by Emily Guy Birken are both options that fall under this category. You can also ask your financial professional if they have any book recommendations. The goal is to learn as much as possible about the financial aspects of retirement to help protect what you’ve worked hard to save.
Lifestyle in retirement can also be a challenging adjustment. Fortunately, there are also books to help you prepare for the transition. Check out books like How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free by Ernie J. Zelinski and Thrive in Retirement by Eric Thurmanfor tips on how to make the most out of this exciting new phase of life. You can find books on potential hobbies, traveling, or even business ventures you want to start. It’s no secret retirement brings a significant life change, and reading stories from other people who have gone through it can help you process this change. Think about what your lifestyle goals are and find books that coincide with them.
Once you’ve spent time learning about how to plan and save, don’t forget about leisurely reading! Retirement may take hard work and careful planning, but it’s still a time you should enjoy. Find books on any topic that interests you, from biographies to science fiction. There are so many books out there and plenty of time for you to read them. Forming a book club with friends is also a great opportunity to stay socially active. Maybe you even have a story of your own to share with the world.
Reading is a great way to gain valuable financial insight on how to prepare for retirement and keep your mind active once you’ve already retired. Whatever your interest or goals are, chances are there’s a book on the topic. Open up your mind to a world of possibilities by simply opening the pages!
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July 9, 2020