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3 Hobbies for Dad To Start in Retirement

Adjusting to retirement can be a tough transition for some. You’re going from the 9 to 5 (or later) grind into a slower, more relaxed state of mind. But just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you have to sit in front of the TV watching the news all day! In honor of Father’s Day, here are a few hobbies to take up in retirement that can be done by yourself, or with those you care about.


Is there anything greater than, well, the great outdoors? Fishing is a great way to get out of the house and isn’t terribly expensive. Just get a license, a rod or two (with the right gear), and start making your own “fishing stories” to tell your family and friends.


Another outdoor activity, but slightly more active! Hiking is a great way to get in some exercise and clear your head, which we could all use these days. A quick internet search can show some trails close by, and smartphone apps like AllTrails can ever categorize trails by length and overall difficulty.


While this one can’t be done all day, it’s still fun to stretch your culinary muscles! Coming up with new recipes and trying new foods is a great way to pass the time and feed the creative side of your brain — as well as you and your family. There are tons of great recipes to be found online; check them out and put your own spin on it!

There are tons of hobbies to pick up in retirement to continue learning and stay healthy, both mentally and physically. Feel free to share this link with a friend or dad in your life to help them out! And from all of us at American Retirement Institute, Happy Father’s Day!
