You may have noticed, but the world is operating a little bit differently these days than just a few weeks ago. Most of us are being encouraged to stay home as much as possible, restaurants are offering takeout only, and many small businesses have closed their doors.
While some businesses have been forced to close their physical doors for the foreseeable future, many financial professionals are working virtually, helping those nearing and in retirement still plan for their retirement years. While your meetings may look a little different, you can still accomplish a fair amount with your financial professional through digital communication.
If you’re wondering what to look for when on the search for a financial professional online, here are two questions to ask yourself first.
It’s more important now than ever that you’re getting a prompt response digitally. When looking for a financial professional, make sure they respond in a decent amount of time. Whether it’s email, phone, or video conference, your advisor should be able to get back to you to help with your retirement questions.
No two people are alike, and neither are their retirement goals. Whether you’re meeting in person, via video chat, or over the phone, your needs should be taken into account. Regardless of the current situation, your retirement goals should be accounted for and a plan of action should be custom-made to help you work toward those goals. There are plenty of digital tools that can be used to look at your portfolio’s performance and still help guide your retirement strategy.
Thankfully, through modern technology, the American Retirement Institute is still able to hold virtual courses. If you or someone you know would like to attend one of our financial webinars, register today!
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April 29, 2020